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A stone of self-expression, self-transformation, clear perspective, illumination of challenges, inner vision, exploration of wounds, increased enlightenment, and enhanced awareness

Iolite is the name used to refer to the transparent to translucent gem variety of the magnesium aluminum silicate mineral, cordierite. It derives its name from the Greek word for “violet”, alluding to the color exhibited by this gemstone. It is gaining popularity for use in jewelry and is sometimes referred to as “Water Sapphire”. It also goes by the name “dichroite”, meaning “two-colored rock”, referring to this gem’s pleochroic properties. Iolite is the most pleochroic gemstone and requires a master cutter to facet this gem. Most iolite forms during regional metamorphism of shales and can be found amongst schist and gneiss. It is often found as an accessory mineral in granitic igneous rocks and pegmatites. Iolite can be found associated with sillimanite, kyanite, andalusite, and spinel in metamorphic rocks. Most gem-quality iolite is produced from placer deposits. It forms in short prismatic crystals with an orthorhombic structure when crystals have the opportunity to grow without obstruction. Its hardness, durability, and striking pleochroic blue to violet coloring make this a smart choice for use in jewelry. Important iolite deposits can be found in Madagascar, Burma, Sri Lanka, India, and Brazil.


Iolite’s metaphysical properties are as strong as this stone itself. Activating the Third Eye chakra, iolite enhances personal and environmental awareness and promotes a movement of consciousness. Iolite allows for the illumination of our challenges, weaknesses, wounds, and traumas which is vital to acknowledge for self-growth. Iolite can help us uncover parts of ourselves that were once lost and help us access information from our past. Iolite promotes self-expression and inner visions by allowing us to view ourselves subjectively, looking at our lives from a different angle. Iolite empowers us to find the inner blockages that hinder us from our highest achievements. The enhanced awareness that iolite offers is vital to forward flow and a sense of creativity. Iolite reveals to us what we have been refusing to acknowledge, whether it is too painful or we simply do not know how to access it. Iolite calms us when faced with adversity and imbues us with the strength needed to overcome obstacles. Iolite promotes growth on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels and is very much a stone of self-transformation. When ready to go within, iolite is there to make us aware and explore our deepest truest selves. If feeling lost, stuck, spacy, or lacking in creativity, iolite can help unlock the depths of our unconscious to allow for energetic blockages to be released. A truly powerful stone to be around, iolite is very enlightening to our existence.


  • 6th - Third Eye - Ajna


  • Air / Wind


Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, Tanzanite, Lazulite, Azurite, Scolecite, Hematite, Kyanite

Science Stuff

• Chemical Formula: (Mg,Fe)2Al4Si5O18
• Color: Blue to Violet - Strongly Pleochroic
• Hardness: 7 - 7.5
• Crystal Habit: Orthorhombic
• Refractive Index: 1.55 - 1.62
• Specific Gravity: 2.5 - 2.8
• Optic Character: Biaxial (-)
• Transparency: Transparent to Translucent
• Double Refraction: - .01
• Luster: Vitreous to Greasy
• Fracture: Subconchoidal
• Cleavage: Fair to Poor (3,1)
• Mineral Class: Silicates, Cordierite

Blog Resources

“Cordierite and the Gem Known As ‘Iolite’”, Hobart M King, PhD, RPG, <>
“Iolite”, Simmons, Robert, et al. The Book of Stones: Who They Are and What They Teach. North Atlantic Books, 2015.
“The Gemstone Iolite”, <>

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