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Emotional Support, Divine Feminine, Honest Introspection, Reflected Light, Protection, Spiritual Growth, Goddess Alignment, Fertility, Balancer, Calm Strength

Moonstone is the name used for Feldspar minerals of gem quality that exhibit a specific phenomenon called adularescence. Adularescence is the bright sheen of floating light that appears to move throughout the stone and closely resembles the glow of the Moon. This phenomenon occurs because of alternating layers of Orthoclase and Albite within the Feldspar specimen. As light travels through the Feldspar, it is reflected and scattered at the surface of each layer of alternating minerals creating a white, silvery glow that gives the effect of its lunar association. Moonstones can come in many different body colors and can also display chatoyancy, asterism, as well as adularescence displaying a spectrum of iridescent colors known as Rainbow Moonstone. This rarer version of Moonstone is most likely caused by the white light scattering into its spectral colors while passing through the Feldspar mineral Labradorite. Knowledge of how light passes and enters through the stone is crucial for the cutter to understand to create a cut that displays its beauty wholeheartedly, perfectly aligning the plane of adularescence with its cleavage. Moonstone is relatively soft on the Mohs scale, and care should be taken when wearing this precious gem. It can be found in large deposits in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Australia, Madagascar, Tanzania, and Brazil.


Moonstone represents the Moon's energy in all its glory. From being a major determinant of women’s moon cycles to controllers of the tides, there is no doubt that the Moon’s gravitational pulls upon Earth severely affect us and our emotions. Just as the Moon’s shine is a mere reflection of the light from the Sun bouncing off its surface, Moonstone represents the reflected light within yourself that shines and reveals deep inner truths. Moonstone is associated with the Divine Feminine and will help all genders feel more attuned to that specific energetic flow. Bringing a sense of calm to the emotions and realigning them with their planetary significance allows for spiritual growth to occur. Moonstone can bring balance to life and help bring back sacred natural cycles allowing that which stands in your way to be brought to the light. As the amount of light the moon shines varies with its position in the Heavens, so does the watery state of our emotions. Moonstone balances the overly emotional, overly sensitive with the silent strength of the Moon. Always there even in shadow, the Moon is resilient, humble, and full of life, energy, and balance. Moonstone harnesses the power of the Moon and can be a great tool to aid in meditation and bring empathy back to the apathetic. Its power to realign the body with natural moon cycles is not surprising, as Moonstone has been used for centuries for its ability to bring forth honest insight and emotional balance. A traditional couple’s stone, it represents commitment to the linkage of the mind and the heart and is good luck for any relationship. Moonstone stimulates the Third Eye and Crown Chakras promoting self-insight and a spiritual, empathic connection with the Divine.


  • 6th - Third Eye - Ajna
  • 7th - Crown - Sahasrara


  • Water


Amethyst, Blue Sapphire, Carnelian, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Onyx, Pearl, Turquoise, Quartz

Science Stuff

• Chemical Formula: (Na,K)Alsi3O8
• Color: Blue, Grey, White, Pink, Peach, Green, Brown, Colorless
• Hardness: 6-6.5
• Crystal Habit: Monoclinic
• Refractive Index: 1.518-1.526
• Specific Gravity: 2.56-2.62
• Optic Character: Biaxial (-)
• Transparency: Transparent to Translucent
• Double Refraction: -.0005
• Luster: Opalescent
• Fracture: Uneven to Conchoidal
• Cleavage: Perfect
• Mineral Class: Tectosilicates (Feldspar)

Blog Resources

“Moonstone”, Hobart M. King, <>

“Moonstone Meaning and Uses”, <>

“Moonstone: Gemstone” <>

“The Gemstone Moonstone” <>

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